Thursday, November 30, 2006

Merkin Notations

In response to j0bot blog:

"dear joe,
I noticed you mentioned to Jesse in your entry about alternative energy/charlie rose to watch out for the "merkin" reference in an article link.

The idea you would coquettishly giggle at the thought of Merkin-culture and those who should choose or not to indulge is not only immature, but outright offensive.

My first thought was you opposed the wear of Merkin to satisfy your own distaste for meat products/animal cruelty. You should know many Merkins are constructed of human hair or nylon. Yak fur is no longer the only means of Merkin-making material.

Do your research, Mr. Bot."

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Standing by

Today is Wednesday. The anxiety of bringing baby into the world is dominating my existence. Not alone because I have standard "new parent" jitters. Here are three reasons why I am physically and mentally exhausted today:

1. I don't like surprises. This is nothing new. I often times read ahead in books. Sometimes I'll even read the last pages first. I prefer to settle on the finished product whilst drawing or making pots, and craft my methods in the process. Waiting for "the date" is killing me right now, because I DON'T KNOW WHEN IT WILL BE!!

2. Common stress. Referred to as "CS" in the scientific community, common stress can have physical symptoms. Currently, my skin is breaking out and I have constant stomach pain. Nothing severe, just a little nagging like I'm constipated or something. Also, I have been experiencing extreme cold sweats at night. Monday night I woke up utterly soaked. I had to scoot over to Missy's side of the bed to stay dry, and it made her mad. She went downstairs to sleep on the couch (which she does all the time because it's more comfortable for her) and I shivered the night away. Missy and I go for walks every night, which helps settle things a skotch before bed, but still ... Playing guitar or watching TV helps take my mind off things, but only temporarily. Work is slow right now because the entire unit is going away for an exercise so I'm just kind of chillin' out but it also has left me alone with my thoughts, browsing the web for new and natural ways to induce pregnancy.

3. I'm a weak little bitch. This is true. As much as I complain here about whatever, Missy is still the one with the baby growing inside her. I feel inferior becuase she is going through the ultimate physical experience: spawning life. I had a small part in the process, sure, but dammit! Other than the obvious sperm/egg thing, and the occasional (or conspicuously frequent) footrubs, I haven't had much play in making life good for the baby. Missy gets to feed the baby with turkey legs and cream-of-wheat, and brown sugar. It's not all that bad I's'pose, at least I can bend over far enough to speak to the baby from the cold outer-realm.

Now I feel better. On the lighter side of life, Thanksgiving was awesome. We had 17 people in the house and cooked two turkeys (one deep fried, one marinated/roasted). It was sweet. That reminds me, I'd like to spend a moment on language.
I like it when people say "bad." I.e. "That movie was bad."
And I say, "you mean, bad meaning 'good'?"
Me: "Because, that's the exact opposite of what you just said."
Example two: I saw a car yesterday with a sticker that said "Synister Dreams." I think it was the name of the car. Well, Mr. Driver, sinister does not mean cool. It means not cool. If you're sinister, you're probably a villian or bad guy of sorts. COME ON! If you're car is sinister, you should call it "The Joker Mobile." If you feel inclined to give your car a name reflecting it's cool-ness extra-ordinare, call it "The Batmobile," or "Cool Runnings" or something.
I believe the most fitting, appropriate slang term to come from "our" generation is "sweet." The word reflects all that is good and right in the world, like sweets (cinnabon, chocolate chip cookies, etc.). In fifth grade it was cool to say "sweet-vicous." Not sure who added the "vicous," because "Sweet" works just fine alone. Say it now, please, because you know this blog is sweet.

Keep the faith.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Gained Ambition, secret secret.

About a few days or so since my last entry. I'll try to keep it brief, and informative. The weekend was a blur and consumed with baby shopping. I sneaked a skate session in on saturday. It was 75 or so degrees, so after an hour I was sweating my ass off.
The week is going fast. Work is busy as usual but tomorrow starts the holiday weekend and the drones are buzzing over thanksgiving feast plans.
We're having something around 15 guests for the day. Cooking two turkeys (one deep fried, one roasted) and it looks to be a fun day.
We've also given one of the cats away. Originally, both we're supposed to go, but I couldn't bring myself to part with Cougar (aka coogie or zoozie) because he's so damn cute. All black - bombay is he. Black cats are not a pure breed. They were engineered by the orient to look like little panthers, which they do. Coogie is a moody animal, and I get so excited when he comes around. I pick him up and cradle him and bump his tiny nose. Then, he bites.
One thing I miss most about having to cats is the beast-on-beast combat each night. If you've never indulged yourself in the grace of sparring animals, I behoove you to bare witness to this spectacle. Animals fight the way humans used to, with claws and the gnashing of teeth.
Coogie escapes every so often by opening our bedroom window and squeezing himself out of the screen track. I can barely get my hand through that thing, so the sheer will of the animal to return to the wild inspires me. We've recaptured him over and over, due to the certain fact he favors rooftops and is easily silhouetted 'gainst the ceramic roof tiles.
I took a physical fitness test today. Without going into a bitch session, I did 18 pull-ups, ran three miles in 21:54, and squished out 95 sit-ups in two minutes. It's not the worst I've done, but I have done better and am kind of dissapointed. For lunch, we surfed at the Oceanside Harbor. Carter called me, and I called him back and left a message.

Reading: Baby books
Listening: Babyshambles, Lady Sovereign

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Mandatory Blog

Dear reader,
This is a mandatory entry, mandated by Joe Mandinton. Here's the news:
Thursday and Friday I celebrated the Marines' birthday. Friday night I got lit. Saturday and Sunday I hung out with the wife and did some shopping and whatnot. Monday I had work off as well and went bowling with a friend named Apa.
Since this is day two of writing this blog, I'll extend my list of activities. First off, I'm sorry for letting you down, Joe.
Yesterday morning I went surfing. The water was very rough and choppy, which made paddling and balance difficult. The water has cooled off in the last month, and wetsuits are a must. I'm glad I went though because something about a morning surf sesh sets me right for the rest of the day.
This morning we went to the gas chamber for annual training. Something about getting gassed first thing in the morning outright sucks. Maybe it's the burning sensation in the eyes and mucous membranes and such. That said, here's my thoughts on future activities ...
This weekend is going to be awesome. no plans yet, but maybe some surf or skate and some chill. Maybe some guitar. Who knows? Stay in touch all y'all, and don't be 'fraid to call.

Monday, November 06, 2006

21st Century Digital Boy

Awesome song, right?
The weekend was a trip. In a nutshell, I met Shaun White (the Flying Tomato) at the skatepark Friday. Saturday I did a landscaping project at a trailer house for an elderly couple. I laid 46 12-inch concrete pavers in place of the volcanic rock in the back yard. I kept thinking about the time Molly and I were talking about masonry and she told me "it's an art." Sunday I went for a motorcycle ride with the club north of L.A. Great day.
This week our unit is going through an exercise called "MEU-EX." It's nothing sexy, but I may be pulling a late duty shift tonight in the operations center. I'm looking forward to it. Soon I will post some photos on here but I have no motivation to do so now. Carter sent me an email.

Friday, November 03, 2006


Happy Friday!
Today has been great so far. I came to work at 6:00 and went for a nice long run on the beach with iPod pumping sweet meldoy 'twixt me ears. Awesome. Also, the Public Affairs Chief came back from Mexico this morning and we had a nice homecoming celebration in true Norman Rockwell manner. The boss brought her dog, Lucius, in today. He is a Stafordshire Terrier (pit variety). I create comic strips sometimes based on imaginary adventures of him. They are called "Lucius Toons" and they hang in our office.
Yesterday afternoon I was bored and drew a poster for my favorite band, Wolfmother. I made two copies and mailed on to Ari and one to his neighbors. They will have no idea who mailed them this sweet print, but they will appreciate it.
I learned a few songs on guitar last night. here they are:
"Levels" by the Raconteurs
"Steady as she Goes" The Raconteurs
"White Unicorn" Wolfmother
"Colossal" Wofmother
Lately too, I've learned a few of Mason Jennings' newer songs. His latest album "Boneclouds" is one of the finest pieces of work to come out post 1995.
Tonight I'm going to the YMCA skatepark in Encintas for the third time. It's a good scene there, and there's lots of dudes around on similar experience levels to myself, i.e. getting back into the sport/looking for an alternate form of exercise. Tonight I hope to learn something new. I've found it's easier to push my limits at the skatepark as opposed to surfing. See, when I'm skating, I'm already standing up and there is no swimming involved. Also, after dropping in a few 6-7 foot ramps, 2-4 foot waves don't seem so big, so surfing is improving as well. I'm super psyched to be skating more, but I wish I could find some dudes around the unit that want to go as well. Getting guys to come surfing was a little easier because I have the extra boards. Hey, come skate with me. Have a cool weekend.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Alan Watts and Morning Coffee

This morning's blend is delicious. It all started last night when Miss and I were grocery shopping. She had a coupon for coffee so I bought a cinnamon blend. I ground and sprayed it this morning, checking for beetles. When a sufficient amount had been brewed I filled up a chalice, hopped on the bike and took off. It's a secret how I managed to get a full cup of hot coffee to work on a motorcycle, but Alan Watts' lecture on Existential Mysticism and the Four Buddhas had a little role ...
This weekend is going to be busy.
I've taken on a few odd-jobs in the community to make some extra scrills. Saturday I'll be starting a basic landscaping project for an old English bird. I expect the project to take two weekends. I don't plan on working Sunday though, because the SoCal Norton Owners Group is throwing the annual Hansen Dam ride. Without getting into too many details, it's a biggun'. It shall consume the day!
Missy had a rough night. I didn't bother to ask what was wrong, but I assume she couldn't get comfortable again. Either that or she was warm. See, thing is, her body temp is high all the time, so she sleeps with a fan on her, no blankets, window cracked. It gets very cold at night. I find myself coaxing cats into bed next to me so I can wear them as hats, scarves or what have you. The cats were being very cattish last night and it was nice to snuggle with them and pretend they were teddy bears or spiders.
I also bought a 12-Pack of miller lite at the grocery store, which I am very excited for. I drank a bottle last night after I slammed my scalp into the underside of the freezer door. Missy was stocking the freezer and I was stocking the fridge and she didn't warn me when I stood up. It fucking hurt very bad and I cursed many times. I grabbed a beer and ran outside!